27% of Teens Play Games With People They Are Connected With on The Internet, and Other Choice Nuggets From the Pew Report on Teens and Videogames
Every once in a while the Pew Internet and Life Project releases a report on some facet of Internet Use. Yesterday they released a report called Teens, Videogames, and Civics. You all will only be interested in the first two.
The following tidbits are exceptionally relevant to social games.
- 27% of Teens Play Games With People They Are Connected With on The Internet(could easily be restated as 27% of teens play social games.
- 76% of teens play games in a social context (others in the room or connected online)
- 50% of teens played a videogame yesterday
- 47% of teens who play games online play with their offline friends
- 27% of teens play with people they met first online
- 23% of teens play with both
- 48% of teens use a cellphone or handheld organizer to play games
- 46% of teens that communicate with friends daily uses social network messaging vs 27% who communicate via IM. Social network messaging is second only to talking on a cellphone (50%).
- 10% of teens play in virtual worlds
- 87% of girls play puzzle games